Have you ever heard the phrase words are the spells we cast, that's why we call it spelling? Language is a series of vibrations you send out that has the power to change the world around you. You can create beautiful connections between you and another person. Once you learn to speak someone's language, you are able to see the power you have to influence someone's life.
From having learned several languages through school and self-study, I found the profound effects of speaking to someone in the form most comfortable to them, create such a strong connection. With this piece, your love for languages can be shown and you can learn how to strengthen the connections you have with others.
These vibrations that we send through the air have power over us, like spells that we cast over each other. Thus, trying to find the perfect words to express the ideas and convoluted contours of the mind in ways that someone can understand allows the brain’s ability to express thoughts to expand and become bigger than before. Your mind changes and your capacity for speech grows to allow you to learn more about what you are and what they are.