Not too long ago, someone said that there are a lot more people who think in black and white than I realize. I realized how true it was and how much I like to think in the "gray". Realizing the importance of knowing that every situation has multiple sides, not just two, opens you up to be able to better understand how to maneuver through the world.
But even with black and white, the pigments and light contain every color of the spectrum. There never just exist those two things, but rather a multitude of things that each are unique when put into perspective. Allow this piece to remind you to look at every side so that your world does not get shadowed by the darkness that might occur.
White and black are just colors; representations of photons of light. If we choose to compare them as opposites, that is what they are—that creates the duality. But these two colors can be blended to create an equally significant gray area. Gray: a combination of the two parts, a new unique color comprising many other shades.