Come seek the unknown and get lost in a world of curiosity. This small door, referencing Alice in Wonderland, separates you and what's behind it. You may never know what is there, but that is all the fun of it. Many are afraid of the unknown and it can spark feelings of anxiety. I find that the best remedy for this is curiosity.
If you find a way to be enamored by the unknown there is no way it can scare you. Just think of the possibilities! So many things left to learn and discover, and the more we discover the more unknowns there seem to be. Let this be a testament to your curiosity.
Many of my anxieties stem from my fears of the unknown. Our inability to predict what will happen and thus our inability to protect ourselves from it is what makes the unknown so intense and terrifying. But despite the fear, it does spark the imagination…
You want to prepare yourself the best way you can. You want to hold on to some semblance of control but, at some point, you must give yourself over to the unknown. You must take that first step through that doorway to the unknown and discover for yourself what awaits behind it. It is the unknown that forces us to mentally prepare. It is the unknown that pushes us to learn and discover new ways to be stronger.